Business Performance Evaluation

Successful development of any company in today’s dynamic and variable world is conditioned by flexible reactions to its changing environment. It has become necessary to periodically evaluate business performance. We will sit with the directors of your company to review the business holistically;  we will review present day-to-day operations and the prevailing market dynamics.

This will begin with a realistic appraisal of the current position of the business. The formal term for this is “situational analysis” and we will use several planning tools and methods to put the analysis together. The true purpose of situational analysis is to determine whether:

  • The company has a compelling vision that is worth the journey.
  • The objectives and initiatives employed can achieve the vision
  • The company operations are efficient.
  • Available resources are put to full use.

When evaluating business performance we also take into account the character of the company, this will help in examining the required positioning in its industry.

Our Indicators and criteria for measuring and evaluating business performance have passed through progressive development tests.

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